SuPpOse u r a dIrEctOr of a fiLm & dA peRSoN aBoVE u cOmEs to Ur OffiCe foR a roLe .... So iTs iN uR hAnd tO pUt hiM/hEr iNtO aNy oF tHe rOleS liStEd beLoW ....... Shall we stArT nOw
1. Hero
2. Heroine
3. Hero's Father / MOM
4. Heroin's Father / MOM
7. Vilan Killer Lady
8. Servant
9. Driver
10. Watchman
11. Gardener
11. Supporting Actor / Actress
13. Beta/Beti
14. Friend
15. Neighbour
16. Cameraman
17. Item No.
18. Comedy actor/actress
19. Any other
NOTE: Never Post only 1 thing for above person
Go On........staRt poStiNg nOw....!!!!